Sunday, April 22, 2012

concept 80 #2

The saddest thing that I've ever experienced in my life would have to be the time when my dog (Chico) was run over by a truck right in front of my eyes. This was a very tragic event and I never saw it coming. I thought that my dog was going to live for at least 7 more years. He was only 2 years old when he was killed and it made me realize that I shouldn't be taking things for granted everyday. I should acknowledge the people around me more often for doing the things they do for me.

concept 79 # 1

1) Animal House
2) Groundhog day
3)Shaun of the dead
4) Ferris Buellers day off
5) The jerk
6)Mr. Deeds
7) Young frankenstein
8)Monty python and the holy grail
9) Ghostbusters
10)Mrs. Doubtfire

All of these movies are absolutely hilarious because they all have good actors who do foolish things that we would never do and have funny facial expressions.

concept 78 #3

If the audience knew nothing about my story before they came in to watch it they would probably have t wait 3 seconds to find out what it is about. The first scene would be the main character running away from the cops with a bag of money in his car. The audience would immediately know that it was an action thriller and would be on the edge of their seat throughout the rest of the movie.

concept 77 #1

In my opinion the most expensive elements would have to be the cars, actors and explosions. Everything else will not cost very much given that it will take place in the dessert and will only be around 50 minutes long. The actors are most definitely critical to the success of the story because without them there would be no story. The cars are a must because there will be a lot of chasing scenes and without them the movie would be about a couple of kids in a desert. The bomb is one of the most important parts of the movie because that is how the kids get revenge, desrtoy the evidence and wrap up the story.

Concept 76 # 2

After viewing my story cards the gaps between each red do were more or less consistent with each  other.  There was a red dot on most cards because my character is very important to the story and there is only 7 characters in the low-budget film that I am writing. There is only one part in my story cards where there isn't a red dot for about 3-4 spaces. Within those 3-4 scenes that my character does not appear I can have him drive by or appear in the background. This can give the audience something to notice and keep them on their toes.

Concept #75 Question #3

My favorite teen oriented program is Wizards of Waverly Place. I think that the show makes adults see teens as mischievous, unpredictable, and irresponsible children. Yet to the smaller children the teenagers are seen as awesome people and serve as role models to them. Worldwide the show still gives the same type of feeling to adults and children about teenagers. The genre is science fiction and comedy which already tells you that the kids are going to be doing funny things that are out of this world.

Concept 74 question #

Honestly, the way I view my world is not a sitcom, or a science experiment but a soap opera. Right now in these high school years I think that most teenagers would say the same. There is always conflict and drama in these years because teenagers have mood swings. One day they can be really happy and the next day they might want to start a fight with you. These films influence the way I want to develop a film because I would like to write a good movie about teenagers and recreate the scenarios that I've been through and seen vividly on paper. If I find myself writing something different I would still probably throw in some drama because I know it all too well.

concept 73 question #1

My favorite film hero of all time by far would have to be Flash. My favorite villain is Venom. If I were to write a plot for these two super humans I would have them be in an urban city so that flash wouldn't have an advantage over venom with his speed. I would have Venom being shown in the beginning of the movie making a virus to wipe out a large portion of the human race. Flash will just be a graduating college football player who hasn't really tapped into his full potential. They will both meet at night after Flash has uncovered his amazing power and finished his first professional football game. Venom will be covered from head to toe and will ask Flash to join him in his brilliant plan. After this they will fight on three different occasions, the last being the defeat of Venom just before he spreads his virus.

concept 71 # 1

My favorite historical figure is Abraham Lincoln because he was one of the best presidents that we've ever had. I think that his presidency would probably be the most significant thing in his life. If I was going to write a documentary about him I  would start at his birth, but if I wanted an action movie I'd start it at his presidency and the start of the civil war. I think that a movie about president Lincoln's choices throughout the war and the war itself would easily hook the audience and would be an instant hit.
In the story that I am currently writing we will see everything from the protagonists point of view. I  think that having the protagonist direct the course of the story would be best because the story really revolves around everything that is happening around him/her because he/she is at the right place at the right time. I don't think that it would work out being shown from the opposition because they always arrive at the scene after the event has occurred. It also wouldn't work for a minor character because there are few and they aren't in the most important scenes of the movie.

Concept #69 question#

If I was writing a film in say, South Africa I would have my actors watch some films that showed the people from South Africa speaking .  I would then give them a substantial amount of time to practice their wording. By the time that I call them to begin the movie I will test them to ensure that they have indeed practiced and deserve to be in the movie.  If one of my actors did not, then his/her replacement will immediately take over because I can't have people who are slackers make my movie look bad.

Concept #68 question #1

1) I don't have the money
 Bank robbery
 drug deal
 Parents telling their children
2)Can I trust you
   Sending a messenger to do something important
 3) This is bad
     People taken hostage
     A house on fire
     waking up late for work
 4) That train has left the station
     People on walkie-talkies trying to use code words
     Some one calling someone else and telling them that they missed their train